All listings are for reference and do not represent endorsement.
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Local Area Repeaters
Links and Local Area Repeater Information
50 W PEP Maximum Power Limit Area on 70 cm
[50 W Power Limit Area on 70 cm]
A little recognized portion of FCC Part 97 regulations applies to 420-450 MHz operations in most counties in our Sacramento Valley section:
47 CFR §97.313 (f) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 50 W PEP on the UHF 70 cm band from an area specified in footnote US270 to §2.106 of part 2. The indicated affected areas are specified in, in the State of California within a 240-kilometer (150 mile) radius around locations at Beale Air Force Base, California (latitude 39°08' North, longitude 121°26' West).
More information on the additional impact on 70 cm repeater stations is at
[Pave PAWS Radar at Beale AFB, CA]
The Amateur Radio Service shares the 70 cm band on a secondary basis with the US Government which has priority. The US Department of Defense routinely monitors and locates signal sources on these frequencies. Our voluntary cooperation is mandatory to avoid interference with the Pave PAWS (Phased Array Warning System) radar at Beale AFB and thus to assure our continued access to these frequencies.
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Output Offset Call Location Sponsor Notes or Comments
29.620 - N6JSL Auburn PARK o 156.7 x
52.600 - WD6AXM GrassValley YSARC o 151.4 rs
52.760 - KF6GLZ GrassValley N6ZN o 131.8 ex
145.190 - K6IS Sacramento NHRC o 162.2 ae
145.230 - KC6MHT Sacramento KC6MHT o 162.2 ae
145.250 - N6NA Sacramento RCARCS o 162.2 x
145.270 - W6SAR Auburn PCSAR o 156.7
145.310 AB6LI Auburn AB6LI 151.4
145.430 - N6JSL Auburn N6NMZ o 136.5
146.085 + WD6AXM Sutter Buttes YSARC o 127.3 esx
146.355 + KI6TE Auburn GSARC o 94.8 e
146.625 - W6YDD GrassValley W6YDD o 151.4 ex
Tone 1 radio memory 1 (PL 151,4) Wolf Mountain, Grass Valley
Tone 2 radio memory 2 (PL 123) Bald Mountain, Georgetown
Tone 3 radio memory 3 (PL 100) Mt. Vaca, Vacaville
146.640 Truckee AB6LI 131.8
146.640 - W6SAR Roseville PCSAR o 156.7 er
146.760 - N6JSL Auburn N6NMZ o 136.5
146.820 - KG6TXA Sacramento SALAC o 127.3 lex
146.910 - W6AK Sacramento SARC o 100.0 alert
146.925 _ KA6SUB Gold Run KA6SUB o FM: 71.9 TSQ el E: 983970 I: C4FM: DG-ID
Tx 47, Rx 00 Wires-X hub #43206, IMRS
146.985 - AB6OP Sacramento AB6OP o 94.8 era
147.000 - K6MVR Vacaville MVRC o 136.5 ex
147.015 + W6DD GrassValley NCARC o 151.4 esx
147.030 + N6RDE CameronPark N6RDE o 77.0 aelrsx I:7330 E: 92518
147.120 + KF6SQL Sacramento ERRS o 162.2 a
147.285 + W6DD GrassValley NCARC o 151.4 erst
147.300 + K6NP Sacramento GBTPRC o 136.5 lex
147.360 + K6PAC Lincoln WPARC o 179.9 e
223.820 - WB6ALS Auburn N6NMZ o 131.8 lex
223.900 - N6NMZ Auburn N6NMZ o 100.0
224.220 - KC6MHT Sacramento KC6MHT o 123.0 ae
224.320 - AB6LI GrassValley AB6LI o 151.4 sx
224.560 - WA6ZZK Lincoln WA6ZZK o 94.8 exs
224.580 - W4WIL Auburn W4WIL o 167.9 e
224.700 - AA6IP Sacramento AA6IP o 107.2 el
224.900 - KD6GVO GrassValley KD6GVO o 151.4 aelrsx
441.250 - Grass Valley NCARC o 77.0
Input: The + or - standard repeater offset for that band and frequency.
Location: The city or town where the station is located.
Notes: Special attributes of the station are as follows:
o = Open repeater
nnn.n = repeater PL tone code
a = Autopatch capable
e = Emergency power operation capable
l = Linked (to other repeaters)
r = Affiliated with RACES
s = Affiliated with ARES
x = wide-area coverage (large footprint)
I = IRLP node
E = Echolink node
The DX Store - Excellent customer service
Scorpion Antennas
Amateur Radio Antenna Projects - AC6V
Build an Air Wound 1:1 Choke Balun - Balun
All about Bobtails and Half Squares - K3KY
Antennas from the ground up - W4RNL
Amateur Radio Magazine all about antennas - Antenna
Amateur Radio Direction Finding
Radio Direction Finding Projects - WB2HOL
RDF Equipment Ideas for Radio-Orienteering - K0OV
Build an Offset Attenuator - K0OV
Homebrew/Kit Building
DSP-10 2m Software Defined Radio - DSP-10
QRP Homebuilder's Page - QRP
K8IQY's 2n2 Homepage - K8IQY
Miscellaneous Technical and Informational Links
Everything RF - Lots of info and useable calulators
Parallel Resistance Calculator - Calculator
Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network - WSPR
Weak Signal Communication, by K1JT - WSJT
Randy, K7AGE's Video Page -K7AGE - recommended
Jim Heath's Video Page - W6LG - recommended
HF Systems - An Australian site with great information.
General Information
American Radio Relay League - ARRL
CQ Magazine - CQ
World Radio Online - WRO
Amateur Radio Newsline - AR News
FCC Amateur Radio Site - FCC
New Hams Info
Amateur Radio Wiki
Northern Amateur Relay Council of California - NARCC
Internet Radio Linking Project - IRLP
TAPR - Digital Radio Information
Emergency Response Organizations
Nevada County Amateur Radio Emergency Service -NCARES
California Amateur Radio Emergency Database - CAARES
Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network - SATERN
Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service - RACES
Amateur Radio Emergency Service - ARES
Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams - REACT
Emergency Communications -EMCOMM
Winlink - A Global radio email system
Sacramento Valley ARES
National Homepage -
Storm Spotter Guides - Spotter Guides
National Weather Service Skywarn Page - NWS Skywarn
MetEd, Teaching and Training Resources for the Geoscience Community - MetEd
National Incident Management System (NIMS) and related Training
FEMA Emergency Management Institute Independent Study Courses - EMI
National Incident Management System Courses - NIMS
NIMS/ICS Resources - ICS
Community Emergency Response Team CERT